Cause of shank in golf


A golf shank is a shot that is struck off the hosel (the part of the clubhead that connects to the shaft) and flies straight to the right of the target (for a right-handed golfer). It is a common problem that can cause frustration for golfers of all skill levels. But what is the cause of shank in Golf?

1. Poor grip

There are several factors that can cause a golf shank. One common cause is a poor grip on the club. If the grip is too weak or too strong, it can cause the clubface to open or close at impact, resulting in a shank.

2. Bad stance or alignment

Another cause of a golf shank is an incorrect stance or alignment. If the body is not properly aligned with the target, it can cause the clubface to be misaligned at impact, leading to a shank.

3. Incorrect shoulder turn

The third cause of a shank is a lack of shoulder turn during the swing. If the shoulders do not rotate properly, it can cause the club to get stuck behind the body at impact, resulting in a shank.

4. Too steep or shallow swing

Finally, a golf shank can also be caused by a swing that is too steep or too shallow. If the swing is too steep, it can cause the clubhead to hit the ground before the ball, leading to a shank. On the other hand, if the swing is too shallow, it can cause the club to come into impact too much from the inside, resulting in a shank.

Stop shanking in Golf

To fix a golf shank, it is important to identify the cause of the problem and make the necessary adjustments to your grip, stance, alignment, shoulder turn, or swing plane.

It may also be helpful to seek the advice of a golf professional or instructor, who can provide guidance on how to correct the problem. With practice and persistence, it is possible to overcome a golf shank and improve your overall game.

Mika has been playing golf for nearly three decades but is still in the search of a scratch handicap.